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Vision & Values

Vison & Values image(1)

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Our Vision & Values

Our vision & values for St Stephen's are based around our acronym of 'We Care', and that is because we do.

As you will see, each letter of 'CARE' stands for a value that we feel is vitally important to our school and further afield. We have carefully weaved our values through our curriculum so that the opportunities to address our values are varied and often. With regular values-days and assemblies, promotion of these values are easily seen across the school. 

At St Stephen's 'We Care' 

'We Care'

The children turned our vision & values into a school poem, which is often seen and heard around the school.

Please click on the image to open in a new window.

We Care Poem image

Pupil self-evaluation 'CARE' forms

As part of our termly assessments, we ask our children to complete a self-evaluation form against our CARE values. We share these with parents within our school reports and at parent consultation evenings.  Often these values lead our discussions on pupil progress.

Please clickon the image below to open in a new window.

Care pupil feedback image

Our Full Value Contract (FVC)

Our Full Value Contract (FVC) has been created by every child in the school. It encompasses how we want to be treated within school and is based on our 'CARE' values.

Every class displays their signed FVC and it is both used by children and staff.

Please clickon the image below to open in a new window.

FVC image
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