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Welcome to our 'Early Years 2024' page

school life(1)

A welcome from Mr Dowd (Headteacher)

It is my pleasure to welcome you to St Stephen's.  I am very proud of our school and promise to do everything I can to help your child thrive and develop a life long love of learning.

St Stephen's Primary School is at the heart of the village and plays an important role in the Community.  It is always a pleasure to welcome children, parents, grandparents and carers in to school. 

We have talented staff eager to get to know your child and make every day a rich and rewarding experience.  Our teaching approach aims to give children a language of learning that enables them to know and talk confidently about what good learning looks and sounds like.  We strive to motivate our children to be aspirational, resilient pupils who persevere, collaborate and embrace challenge.  You will hear children refer to "key skills" and see, in every classroom, characters representing them.  It is the language of key skills that opens the door to powerful learning.    

Enquiring (1)
Resilient 6
Excellent 6

Dear Parents/Carers

We are eagerly looking forward to getting to know and welcoming you and your child into St. Stephen’s Primary School in September.

We want to make your child’s transition into school life as smooth and happy as possible and we have made the following induction arrangements to aid this.

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Parents meeting

5:00pm onwards

Please come to the school for 5pm where we will deliver a presentation about starting school at St Stephen’s. You will find out about the early years curriculum, meet the teaching staff, and be able to ask any questions you may have to relieve any worries or concerns.

Ideally, this is a parents meeting, so if you can organise childcare for an hour, that would be great.

Monday 24th June 2024

‘Stay & Play’

Group 1:  9:30am – 10:30am (surnames A- H)

Group 2:  11:00am – 12:00pm (surnames I - Z)

Please bring your child, through the front school gates to the early years’ classrooms to begin to familiarise yourselves with your child’s new school. Stay and enjoy playing with your child and meet some of the early years teaching team, other new children and parents that will be starting in September 2024.

Tuesday 25th June 2024

‘Drop & Collect’

9:30am – 11:00am

Please bring your child, through the front school gates to the early years’ classrooms for 9:30am and leave your child for a while with the early years teaching team.  This will be a great opportunity for the teaching staff to observe the interactions between the new children. Then come back for 11:00 to collect them again.

Early Years 2024 ‘Walking Tours’ with Mr Dowd

In addition to these dates above, I would like to welcome groups of parents to accompany me on a walking tour of the school on a normal school day. This will be a great opportunity for you to see the school in action and see what makes St Stephen’s so special.

These tours will start at 9.30am and last for about 30 minutes. There will be a maximum of 10 parents per tour and by contacting the school office on 01283 790268 you can book yourself on a tour. The tours will take place during the week beginning 17th June 2024

Monday 17th June @ 9.30am

Tuesday 18th June @ 9.30am

Friday 21st June @ 9.30am

Please phone the school office to book yourself on a tour -  Tel: 01283 790268

Caring 6(2)
Collaborative 6(2)
Creative 6(1)

Important Documents

Please take a look at the 'Information for New Early Years Parents'  found below which contains helpful information for your child starting school.

The forms below will need completing and returning to the school office as soon as you can. Please click on the images below to open each document in a new window for you to print at home.  Copies will be available at the Parents Meeting on 18th June should you need them.

Admissions Form
This will provide us will details of emergency contacts, medical information and other relevant information. A copy of your child's birth certificate will be needed.

'All About Your Child' Form
This profile booklet has proven to be an invaluable help over the years to enable the teaching staff to ensure a safe, happy, secure and settled start for your child.

Info 4 new pararents image 24
Admissions form image
All about me image 24
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