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British Values

How we promote democracy

  • We have whole-school elected House Captains and School Council members. These elections take place annually and are used as an opportunity to promote and teach about democracy and the electoral process.
  • The beginnings of democracy are taught through historical research of the Ancient Greek civilisation.
  • Democracy is also promoted through school assemblies and the general curriculum when and where appropriate.
  • Children are taught about democracy through British Values assemblies.
  • Our Key skill curriculum supports the British value of democracy.
  • Annually each class draws up a Full Value contract.

How we promote the rule of law

  • We have high expectations about pupil conduct. We reward good and caring behaviour and provide clear sanctions and consequences for behaviour that does not adhere to school rules. This is reflected in our Behaviour Policy. Consistent demonstration of our Key Skills values, is recognised through our weekly awards scheme. 
  • Through our school assemblies, check in and /out conversations and PSHE learning, our children are taught how to earn trust and respect; and are supported to develop a strong sense of morality: knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it is difficult.
  • The local police officer visits the school and talks to the children and explains their role in society.
  • Children are taught about the rule of law through the regular British Values assembly.
  • Our key skill curriculum values supports the British value of the rule of law.

How we promote individual liberty

  • Children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration throughout their learning. They are encouraged to take opportunities, to follow their interests in art, music ,sport etc inside and outside school.
  • Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, including on-line. This is done through computing lessons, assemblies and outside organisations.
  • Children are given the freedom to make choices. Choices in challenges in class, as well as in selecting a range of extra-curricular clubs.
  • Weekly assemblies help pupils understand the need for responsibilities as well as rights.
  • Our key skills curriculum and tools of learning supports the British value of individual liberty.

How we promote mutual respect

  • We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy and Equality Policy.
  • Through our key skills curriculum and PSHE learning, children are taught to respect each other; to be cooperative and collaborative; be supportive and to look for similarities while being understanding of differences.
  • Mutual respect is also promoted through assemblies.
  • Children learn that their actions have an affect on their own and other rights.
  • Children are taught about different faiths and beliefs through British values assemblies and our RE curriculum.

How we promote tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • Through our Behaviour policy and Equality Opportunities policy
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the Syllabus for Religious Education. Children learn about religions, their beliefs, place of worship and festivals.
  • Our school assemblies and class 'In the News' discussions also mark and celebrate significant religious festivals such as Diwali and Hannukkah.
  • Visits are made by local religious leaders.
  • Children are taught about the tolerance of those different faiths and beliefs through the British Values assembly and our RE curriculum.
  • Our key skill curriculum supports the British value of tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


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