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Welcome to our Bullying & Behaviour page


Bullying & Behaviour

No one wants to be known as a bully and no parent wants their son or daughter to be accused of being a bully, and it is from this point that we have developed our positive and negative behaviours in school. 

By being very clear on our expectations of behaviour and making it meaningful to our school setting, we feel we are able to provide an excellent environment for children to learn the social norms/rules of any community they may find themselves in. 

Behaviour, like academia, can be learned and practiced. We follow a restorative behaviour approach at St Stephen's because we want long term change and not just a short term gain. We are investing our time and resources into ensuring that children leave are school knowing right from wrong and good from bad. Being able to make the right choices at the right time is our intention for all of our children.

Our Full Value Contract (FVC) - our positive behaviours

Our full value contract exemplifies the positive behaviours that make our school run smoothly, effectively and collaboratively. 

These behaviours and actions have been agreed by the whole school, from early years to year 6,  and are revisited annually to ensure they are current and fit for purpose.

We want all children to strive for excellence in their behaviour and learning and by following these agreed actions we are working together to make our school the best that it can be. 

Please click on the image below to open in a new window.

Good Behaviour fvc image

Our Bullying Behaviours chart - our negative behaviours

Our bullying behaviours chart exemplifies the negative behaviours associated with bullying.

These behaviours and actions have been agreed by the whole school, from early years to year 6, and are revisited annually to ensure they are current and fit for purpose.

When children present bullying behaviours infrequently they are not bullies. They are simply learning the social norms of our school community. However, when these behaviours are presented frequently and consistently, the term 'bully' will be applied.

Please click on the image below to open in a new window.

Bad bullying behaviour image

Our Behaviour Flowchart

Our behaviour flowchart outlines what we do and how we address behaviour at St Stephen's. All children are engaged in stage 1 strategies (universal). Some children need restorative practice strategies (stage 2) to develop and support their behaviour and some children need further development (stage 3) to support their needs.

behaviour flowchart image

Please click on the image above to open in a new window.

its all about perspective 2(1)

Restorative Practice Explanation

Restorative practice is about community, and developing social capital. It creates a common language and a common  approach for fostering a sense of social responsibility and shared accountability.  Our restorative practice grid below helps explain why we use a restorative approach.                                                                           

Restorative explanation MAY22  image

Please click on the image above to open in a new window.

its all about perspective(1)

Our behaviour & bullying policy

Please click on the image opposite to open our behaviour & bullying policy in a new window.

Behaviour & bullying policy image
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